At First Presbyterian, we find that what men most need is simply a place to be men, to hang out together over good food and drink, and to talk and laugh and make new friendships or deepen old ones. To do that, we focus our ministry around two simple things, barbecue and beers. Now, we do have other things to eat than grilled meat, and we certainly have other drinks to choose, from water to soda to even some libations of a harder nature.
But in those two words, we want to communicate two things.
But in those two words, we want to communicate two things.

First, this will be a place where we break bread together. It’s for good reason that Jesus put a meal as a core part of what happens when his followers get together. Something special happens when you share a meal together, and so like Jesus, we put food at the center of our times to gather. And it is awesome food! We have some great grillers, smokers and cooks in our ranks, and you are welcome to share your own talents as well.
Second, when you come together here, you can be yourself. You can grab a beer if you like or whatever else you choose to drink. But we want you to know that here you can come as you are, whether you are a member of the Jesus team or exploring that possibility or simply want a place where you can hang in a relaxed and real way with other men. Wherever you are, we welcome you.
Second, when you come together here, you can be yourself. You can grab a beer if you like or whatever else you choose to drink. But we want you to know that here you can come as you are, whether you are a member of the Jesus team or exploring that possibility or simply want a place where you can hang in a relaxed and real way with other men. Wherever you are, we welcome you.
To get on our mailing list so you can know about our next event, contact us by filling out the form below. And when you come, just feel free to bring yourself. We always have plenty of food and drink. But if you wish to share a beer or other beverage you like or even bring a few cigars, you are welcome to do so. We generally meet outside or have access to areas where you can enjoy a smoke if you wish. And if you want to show off your own grilling skills, then bring it on! All those types of sharing are part of the fun!
And we’ll email you also about other opportunities to connect together with other men, service projects we’ll do or smaller groups you can join to explore faith if you wish. But what will always lie at the center of what we do will be simply giving you the opportunity to be with other guys, eating, drinking, and enjoying life. So come on out for some barbecue and beers. Once you come out the first time, you want to come back again and again!
And we’ll email you also about other opportunities to connect together with other men, service projects we’ll do or smaller groups you can join to explore faith if you wish. But what will always lie at the center of what we do will be simply giving you the opportunity to be with other guys, eating, drinking, and enjoying life. So come on out for some barbecue and beers. Once you come out the first time, you want to come back again and again!