Our Learning Centers

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Since its founding by a remarkably dedicated church leader, Virginia Gray in 1985, these ministries to children have grown and grown. From the beginning we committed ourselves to create a community of love and care where families see the Good News of God’s love in word and deed. And God has blessed that commitment in remarkable ways. Not only has our preschool grown to reach over a hundred children in two locations (Downtown and Hollywood Hills), but we have added in both these locations, Infant-Care, Early Learning
(for 1 and 2 year old’s) and After School programs for children from Kindergarten through grade 5 in addition to a full schedule of camps during the summer. Today we now serve over 200 children between all our various ministries, and are now developing additional programs to support parents and families from Parents Night Out to Soccer and Dance to Parenting support and marriage enrichment. If you’d like more information on all the wonderful offerings of our Learning Center Ministries, just click here.

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