Daniel Williams
Daniel Williams serves as First Presbyterian’s Director of Family Ministry.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I grew up in South Miami, Florida, and attended Florida State University along side my two older brothers. I always felt the need to serve, as it was a staple in the Williams family, so I joined the most elite fighting unit in the world, The United States Marine Corps. After my duties were fulfilled, I worked as a chef in some of South Florida’s busiest and most notable restaurants including; Prime 112 and The Dutch @ The W Hotel. My faith did not come into fruition until I was blessed with an amazing baby boy, Tristan. Suddenly, I found myself searching and yearning for higher meaning, and I found it right here, at First Presbyterian. Since then, I have dedicated my life to serving others (most notably kids) and currently serve as a Middle School Language Arts Teacher and Varsity Soccer Coach. God has been with me every step of the way, and I can feel him leading me, as I hope to lead others. I am happily married to my beautiful wife Yezi, and father to new son Gabriel!
What motivates you in your work here at the church, and what do you like most about you do?
Motivation is all around me. It’s in the sound of laughter coming from the Early Learning Center Kids downstairs, the beautifully stained glass peppering the adjacent church building, and the sound of the church bells every morning. This church’s motto of Invited-Welcomed-Loved, could not be more apropos. I have never felt such a powerful calling to serve anywhere, and look forward to every new family interaction and shaping of these young minds in God’s word.
What does your faith mean to you? How does it help you in your daily life?
My faith and relationship with Jesus Christ mean everything to me. It’s the reason that I have dedicated my life to serving children, and it is the reason for my unwavering dedication to be a better man, each and every day! Living in God’s word can be difficult, but those called must augment their role as shepherd to the flock and remember that love and acceptance has a place amongst every single human being. I draw incredible strength from Christs’ powerful and wonderfully promising words.
What are some of the things you like to do?
I enjoy spending time with my beautiful wife and two energetic and hilarious boys. My favorite night of the week is Monday, AKA “Family Night.” It’s our family’s version of Sunday School where we read a bible verse, have earnest discussions, go over the news of the week, and end with our “Bear Family Song!” They are my life, and I aspire to be the best spiritual leader for my family possible. Luckily, my wife and I share the same interests, so if we aren’t in South Florida, most likely we can be found climbing one of Colorado’s challenging and awe-inspiring 14,000 ft mountains, alongside my older brother Dave. I also enjoy testing my limits physically and mentally, most recently running a 33-mile race at 12,000 elevation. I believe that leading by example can inspire others to conquer their own “mountains,” whatever that may be!
See you all at Waumba Land soon…
You can reach Daniel at danielwilliams.camerica504@gmail.com
I grew up in South Miami, Florida, and attended Florida State University along side my two older brothers. I always felt the need to serve, as it was a staple in the Williams family, so I joined the most elite fighting unit in the world, The United States Marine Corps. After my duties were fulfilled, I worked as a chef in some of South Florida’s busiest and most notable restaurants including; Prime 112 and The Dutch @ The W Hotel. My faith did not come into fruition until I was blessed with an amazing baby boy, Tristan. Suddenly, I found myself searching and yearning for higher meaning, and I found it right here, at First Presbyterian. Since then, I have dedicated my life to serving others (most notably kids) and currently serve as a Middle School Language Arts Teacher and Varsity Soccer Coach. God has been with me every step of the way, and I can feel him leading me, as I hope to lead others. I am happily married to my beautiful wife Yezi, and father to new son Gabriel!
What motivates you in your work here at the church, and what do you like most about you do?
Motivation is all around me. It’s in the sound of laughter coming from the Early Learning Center Kids downstairs, the beautifully stained glass peppering the adjacent church building, and the sound of the church bells every morning. This church’s motto of Invited-Welcomed-Loved, could not be more apropos. I have never felt such a powerful calling to serve anywhere, and look forward to every new family interaction and shaping of these young minds in God’s word.
What does your faith mean to you? How does it help you in your daily life?
My faith and relationship with Jesus Christ mean everything to me. It’s the reason that I have dedicated my life to serving children, and it is the reason for my unwavering dedication to be a better man, each and every day! Living in God’s word can be difficult, but those called must augment their role as shepherd to the flock and remember that love and acceptance has a place amongst every single human being. I draw incredible strength from Christs’ powerful and wonderfully promising words.
What are some of the things you like to do?
I enjoy spending time with my beautiful wife and two energetic and hilarious boys. My favorite night of the week is Monday, AKA “Family Night.” It’s our family’s version of Sunday School where we read a bible verse, have earnest discussions, go over the news of the week, and end with our “Bear Family Song!” They are my life, and I aspire to be the best spiritual leader for my family possible. Luckily, my wife and I share the same interests, so if we aren’t in South Florida, most likely we can be found climbing one of Colorado’s challenging and awe-inspiring 14,000 ft mountains, alongside my older brother Dave. I also enjoy testing my limits physically and mentally, most recently running a 33-mile race at 12,000 elevation. I believe that leading by example can inspire others to conquer their own “mountains,” whatever that may be!
See you all at Waumba Land soon…
You can reach Daniel at danielwilliams.camerica504@gmail.com