He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
Micah 6:8
Who We Are...
The window pictured on this page, one of many that grace our main gathering place, says something significant about who we are. With our church’s landmark tower in the background, it shows our family of faith moving out into the world. At First Church, God has given us that clear vision, to reach out to our neighbors, near and far, inviting and welcoming them into God’s amazing love.

How it all started...
Since 1925, when a small group of Christians gathered together in Hollywood, Florida, to begin a new family of faith, First Presbyterian Church has been actively and faithfully serving our neighbors in Hollywood and beyond. Over those years, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood has touched the lives of thousands, planted four new churches throughout South Florida, and led the way in ministries to the poor and needy of our city.

Expanding the vision...
Now, First Presbyterian Church’s ministries include our acclaimed Learning Centers– an array of ministries now in two locations (Downtown and Hollywood Hills) that comprise a preschool, an infant care center, an early learning program for one and two year olds, and an after school program for elementary-aged children; a partnership with Temple Beth El, called Hollywood C.A.R.E.S., to care for HIV orphans in Haiti; and a variety of other mission endeavors – including partnerships with Jubilee Center and Hollywood Central Elementary School. In a typical week at First Presbyterian Church, you might find folks feeding the poor on Saturday at Share-A-Meal, or knitting shawls for victims of disaster through the Prayer Shawl ministry, or getting ready for a camping trip with our Boy Scout troop. You could see men making new friendships at a barbecue and beers event, women meeting together to study scripture and share their lives, our WaumbaLand leaders creatively sharing the gospel during Prayer on the Patio; our bells preparing for another powerful Sunday worship experience; or our church family gathering to grow in faith at our two Sunday worship gatherings at 9 and at 10:15 AM.
All Are Welcome...
Wherever you come from, whatever your color or ethnicity, whether you live in a million-dollar home or have no home at all, and no matter who you choose to love, at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, we believe God invites and welcomes everyone into God’s amazing love. We would love you to find a place in the family of that love here!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00 am and 10:15 am.